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Here you will find the necessary information to take into consideration before joining Storm's Edge.
Here you will find site updates such as theme changes, plot changes, prophecies, and others.
INSIDE: Activity Checks
Here you can find the basics of each clan found here on Storm's Edge!
Here you will find not only the plot and history of the place where the cats live, but also the map and other pertinent information to how this place was formed.

In Character

Here is where you will post all the lovely (and not so lovely) characters you create. Accepted characters can also be found here in the sub-board.
Want to make plots with your cats and have others be a part of them? Post here and others can come and suggest things between characters. Also found here are trackers for those who want to have a list of the things happening to their characters.
INSIDE: Trackers
Those who have mated and are ready for their litters will come fill out the application here. From there Moderators will take over and create your kits!

Tribe of Falling Stone

This is a large cave set deeply inside the base of the mountain. The Tribe uses this as their home. Inside there are many separate, smaller caves for sleeping. The Shaman's den is up higher on an outcropping with a small, although still comfortable, cave pushing further into the mountain.
Out of the entrance of their cave, and down the rocky slope the land changes to a series of grassy, rolling hills. Here the cats are able to find many rabbits and birds among the thick grass if they choose. Otherwise they may spend their time hunting along the cliffs of the mountain preying on the larger, more dangerous birds.
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Here is a dried up pond on the edge of the mountainside. This is where many cats will go off to either simply have conversation, or commonly, they can dig up little things for kits to play with or something to gnaw on. The sandy floor of the pond makes for a good cushion when sparring with a partner and it's not uncommon for cats to come here to work on their training.
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Clan of Rushing Water

Hidden among the brambles and roots of the large willows that line the river is the snug camp of this Clan. When their river floods they often times have to move to higher ground, but for most of the year they make their home nestled among the roots of these ancient willows. Surrounding their camp and creating the walls of their dens are thick brambles and reeds that help keep out intruders and the chill that accompanies the running water.
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Down a ways from their home among the trees next to the river is a medium sized pond where the cats can go to catch fish and the birds that nest along the edges of the calm water. Often times you can find Mentors here teaching their Apprentices how to fish or swim.
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Quite a distance away from their camp there is a clearing full of sand that is surrounded by a dense layer of brambles. This clearing doesn't have as many tall trees around it so it is open to the elements, but none the less it is a place where the cats like to come to spar, play, or even just relax and get away from camp.
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Clan of Soaring Birds

This Clan has built a home in an old, slightly run down, stone cottage. It has held its own pretty well against all the storms that have wreaked havoc across the land. It is a one story with a loft above that holds the remnants of an old human bed, now covered in moss and other plants.
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A good couple hundred yards away from their camp is an old cement barn. In a few places there are breaks in the walls from the earthquakes that shook the land but other than that the barn is pretty stable. In the loft there are a few bales of hay left over from the last tenants, though they are mostly broken apart and scattered around. This place provides an ideal home for mice or the occasional bird.
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The majority of these cats' land is covered in rolling fields covered in tall, thick grass. Along many of the fields there are broken down fences that used to house whatever sort of animals were kept here all those years ago. This is a great place for small rodents and other prey to hide and live. There are also many birds of prey that circle overhead so any cat that wanders out here unaware and unprotected is at the mercy of the birds who hunt here.
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These cats have chosen to make their home in the middle of a dense thicket where it will be sheltered from other Clans. Only the most experienced of cats will be able to find their home due to all the various twists and turns their paths make through the dense underbrush.
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Some distance away from their camp there is a gully the presumably used to have a small creek or stream running through it. Now the flowing water is gone and in its place there is muddy, marshy grown and tall pines. Young cats have been known to be pulled to their death in the thick mud if they aren't careful and it is a rule that no one travels here without at least two other cats with them to pull them out if they get stuck.
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At the back end of their territory there is a sheer cliff that drops off onto hundreds of sharp rocks below. Many adventurous kits have been lost to this treacherous drop. Any cats running blind away from the camp could potentially drop off to their death as the trees are incredibly thick throughout their territory.
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Unclaimed Territory

Much like its name suggests, this island is only accessible in the summer when the River has lowered to survivable levels during the droughts. This Island is in the middle of a fork in the river and is an absolutely phenomenal place. Small mammals and birds use it as a sanctuary from the hungry cats. But come summertime these animals are free game for the cats and that's when their numbers may be thinned - when cats are actually able to access the island.
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Among all the other standard to large trees there is one tree that reaches its branches high above the rest. This oak tree is ancient, its bark is marred with the wear of many ages. Cats can go here to test their meddle and see who will climb the highest, but beware, falling from the heights that the tree presents could be life altering.
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The sides of this river are incredibly steep and slipping in is sure death. The water is rough and many large boulders are found along the way. Not even the strongest swimmer would be able to fight against the impossible current presented by this river.
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A very old, very dilapidated wooden shack. Two of the walls are completely knocked down while the other two are barely hanging in there. The roof has long since sank in and anyone trying to seek shelter there will have to squeeze in tight among the splintering boards. Whatever was kept inside the shack has long since returned back into the earth but every once in a while cats can find some prey hiding here from the elements.
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Out of Character

Here is where you all can get together and discuss whatever you want OOC. Absences, games, or simply saying hello and introducing yourself can be place here!
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Here is where you can post information to your own websites in hopes of drawing in new members.
Here is where all old threads will be moved after they are completed/abandoned. Feel free to go through and look and them and reminisce if you so desire. If a staffer accidentally moves your unfinished thread here send one of us a PM letting us know of our mistake.
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